"I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm and strength."
Tiger Eye Stone of Vitality
| Enhances Vitality | Stimulates Physical Action | Imparts Strength | Calms and Centers Emotion | Promotes Balance Between Extremes | Strengthens Endocrine System | Creates Harmony | Facilitates Metabolism
Tiger Eye helps those who tend to go to extremes find equilibrium in their emotional lives, It can help create harmony between people with different viewpoints, religious beliefs, or approaches to life. It is an excellent ally in bringing harmony to families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord.
Tiger Eye is a blood fortifier, supporting general vitality. It is strengthening to the endocrine system and assists in bringing one's hormones and biochemistry into balance.
Tiger Eye teaches balance between polarities and the underlying unity behind apparent opposites. It assists in balancing the physical with the spiritual and actualizing Spirit through mundane tasks.
Footnote Reference
[Ahsian, pp.
399 ] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).