Solar Plexus Chakra
Self-worth, Self-esteem, Confidence, Personal Power, Freedom of Choice (p. 61) "The third energy center is the Solar Plexus Chakra. It sits over the stomach and the nerve ganglia under the diaphragm. It filters energy into our vital organs so that they can break down nutrients for digestion. This happens on the physical level with food and on the mental level with ideas. This center is directly related to self-value, a primary quality in our relationships with others and the world around us. If we fail to honor ourselves and know that we are worthy simply because we exist, our sense of personal identity is weak. Consequently this chakra deals with self-esteem, confidence, and freedom of choice. It reflects how we see ourselves and exercise our innate power. The Solar Plexus Chakra is ruled by the element of fire. This is the energy of passion, which affects how we see the world. It controls our basic instincts in relationship to events and people."
Instinctual KnowingSoul Lesson
Human and Divine LoveAbilities
The Solar Plexus quickens when we anchor our personal identity in the abiding nature of the self. This challenges the external labels we use to identify ourselves, which limit who we truly are. If we are identified in a certain way and we maintain a certain image that people can approve, respect, or accept, we live a life based upon maintaining that image and avoid dealing with our spiritual nature, our true self. Forming wholesome attitudes around selfhood, freedom of choice, personal power and confidence stems from connecting with our innate self of worth. We are value itself, and there is nothing we need to do to prove our worth. Once we realize we are worthy, simply because we exist, we free our life force and liberate energy for living.
Ductless Gland
PancreasAssociated Body Parts
Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Small Intestine, MusclesChakra Dysfunction
Ailments that arise from imbalance of the Solar Plexus are indigestion, acid stomach, ulcers, hepatitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, and diabetes.
Positive Attitudes
Honoring the self allows a wealth of respect, kindness and goodness to come our way. When we acknowledge the wealth of our being, we will seek out situations and people who honor us as individuals and affirm our worth. When we value ourselves, others will have no choice but to do the same and treat us with kindness and respect. When we say yes to who we are, people will either drop out of our lives or act respectfully. Cultivating a sense of worth may feel unfamiliar at first. Begin by making small, incremental shifts in how you perceive yourself. Give this time to grow and develop. Allow the truth of your experience to keep you balanced so that you become neither inflated and bigger than you really are nor deflated, unworthy, and undervalued.Affirmations
"I know that who I am is love, intelligence, and goodness. I am confident that life will support me through all its changes. I am a radiant and whole being, able to find my path in life."