Heart Chakra
Unity, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Love, Peace, Purity, Innocence (p.71) "The Heart Chakra is the center of the human energy system. It functions both physically and emotionally to keep the life force alive. Just as the heart organ carries the life blood through the body, so the Heart Chakra moves love through our lives. The Heart Chakra operates on the physical as well as the emotional and energetic planes. Physically, the heart comprises the myocardium, the aorta, the pulmonary artery, and the four chambers. Energetically, it comprises the heart protector, which shields it from emotional pain, and the spiritual heart, which is pure and thought to be the seat of divinity within us. The heart thrives on brotherhood, joy, peace, and understanding. A happy heart is the tonic of life. Gradually we mature and need to take less. Instead we give love unconditionally. This new form of love is inclusive and universal. It rests on our ability to avoid hurting others, and our compassion for those who suffer."
Remembering the GoodSoul Lesson
Brotherhood and LoveAbilities
The Heart Chakra's attitudes are based on love, compassion and healing. Developing an open Heart Chakra comes from knowing that we are love itself. As we mature and require less sustenance from the external world to nurture us, we become better able to give out love, warmth, and healing from a kind and generous spirit. When we cultivate attitudes based on our right to love and be loved, wounds rooted in anger and loss can be healed. When we are mature we are capable of sustaining love and allowing it to fill our lives. Attitudes rich in love make our life worthwhile because love stays in the heart forever. The Heart Chakra's need to love is its only driving force. It can be happy loving animals, nature, or the world at large. It thrives on the two-way nature of relationships so that it can function with peace, warmth, care, and a sense of oneness. Allowing the heart to do its job is what the work of the body/mind/spirit continuum is all about.
Ductless Gland
ThymusAssociated Body Parts
Pericardium, Heart, Lungs, CirculationChakra Dysfunction
Dysfunction of the Heart Chakra can cause arteriosclerosis, angina, myocardial infarction, heart arrhythmia, and stenosis of the heart and lungs. It also affects the lungs with such conditions as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and tuberculosis.
Positive Attitudes
Allowing love to be the core of our life carries us through difficult and challenging times. It keeps our spirit open and our heart alive. Loving who we are, what we do, and how things are raises the spirit and heals the heart. Knowing that we are love is part of the very fiber of our being. It helps us create a positive, generous attitude toward others and heal wounds of pain, loss or separation. Love is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.Affirmations
"I love to be loved. Love heals me and makes me new. Love connects me to the infinite and makes me whole."