Third Eye Chakra
Wisdom, Discernment, Imagination, Intuition, Wisdom (p.91) "The Brow Chakra sits between the eyebrows and is known as the Third Eye. This center is our innate intelligence and thrives on the distilled wisdom of our losses, pain, and separations. When it is open and functioning well, we can discern our highest good as well as profound awareness and intuition. This center seeks meaning, truth, and freedom. The Brow Chakra controls the flow of hormones from the pituitary gland and responds to wholesome attitudes about self and others. as we mature we cultivate knowing and intuition and use these to understand situations we might not have been able to cope with when we were younger. Wisdom, discernment, knowledge, and intuition are all qualities of this chakra. It is closely linked with the higher mind and enlightenment."
Control and WisdomSoul Lesson
Detachment and IntuitionAbilities
The Brow Chakra matures with age and experience. It develops right thinking about who we are and helps us through the difficulties that challenge us. The ability to disengage from attacks, unwholesome situations, or people nurtures our inner clarity and strength. The ability to recognize the nature and situations frees us to use our life force appropriately. Healthy attitudes based on love and respect of self and others help us cultivate discernment. This teaches us to make optimal choices based on our highest good and greatest joy. Attitudes rich in flexibility, openness, and a deep love for one's self - and that same beautiful jewel in others - help us manage our lives with grace and wisdom.
Ductless Gland
PituitaryAssociated Body Parts
Eyes, Sinuses, Base of Skull, Temporal LobesChakra Dysfunction
The problems associated with a dysfunctional Brow Chakra concern intelligence and stupidity, dull affectivity, and overwork. These problems can create conditions such as migraine, blindness and other eye problems, such as glaucoma and cataracts, brain tumors and strokes.
Positive Attitudes
The quintessential belief that we are worthy of receiving our good makes the mind healthy and whole. Accepting the best of ourselves helps us form clearly defined boundaries so that an attack can not diminish us. Acknowledging our worth lets us know who and what are for our highest good. Loving ourselves lets us cultivate a sense of humor and makes our path through life more joyful. It also opens up our energy field.Affirmations
"I find wisdom from my past and healing in the present. I use my intelligence and intuition to light my way forward. I acknowledge my worth and accept my goodness. "