"I am cool, calm and serene, yet fully in touch with my feminine power, and I clearly communicate my wisdom and desires."


Stone of Atlantis


| Enhances Communication | Soothes Emotional Body | Softens Perspective | Nurtures the Spirit | Calms Excessive Fear | Relieves Inflammation and Fever | Helps Release Judgments | Teaches Self-Respect


Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer. It is especially useful for those with phobias, panic attacks, stress related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It can help one release judgment and egoic interpretation of what is.


Larimar is a powerful tool during pregnancy, birth and post-partum. It helps relieve high blood pressure and stress related illnesses. Larimar can alleviate symptoms of excessive Fire element energy such as infection, fever and inflammation. It is an excellent stone to use during colds and flu to help regulate mucous production, sore throat and fever.


Larimar teaches the value of self-nurturance and self-respect. It facilitates balance between active and receptive aspects of oneself. Larimar encourages communication and the expression of emotional energy.


  • Throat Chakra

    Throat Chakra

    Will, Communication, Creativity, Truthfulness, Integrity (p.81)
  • Heart Chakra

    Heart Chakra

    Unity, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Love, Peace, Purity, Innocence (p.71)
  • Crown Chakra

    Crown Chakra

    Grace, Beauty, Serenity, Oneness With All That Is (p.101)
  • Third Eye Chakra

    Third Eye Chakra

    Wisdom, Discernment, Imagination, Intuition, Wisdom (p.91)

  • Astrological Sign(s)

  • Taurus


    Security, Subtle strength, Appreciation, Instruction, Patience
  • Leo


    Ruling, Warmth, Generosity, Faithful, Initiative
  • Gemini


    Communication, Indecision, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Changeable

  • Numerical Vibration(s)

  • Number 3

    Number 3


  • Planet

  • Venus


    Main principle: to unify, pacify and smudge with leveling force. Venus is cool and wet by nature. The wetness brings people together in common unity and makes unclear any distinctions and differences that might separate them. The coolness aids in social harmony by deactivating any controversial issues that might create disharmony. Venus is a feminine planet by nature.

  • Element(s)

  • Water


    The third element of the alchemical tradition. Water is the essence of love and fertility, the element of the nature of emotions. Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Represented by: Water, lavender fragrance, Fish, coral and sponges. Season: Summer Color: Blue Chakra: Thyroid
  • Fire


    The second element of the alchemical tradition. Fire is the essence of purification and change, the element of the nature of the will. Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Represented by: Fire, candles, lights, dragons and the sun. Season: Spring Color: Yellow and Green Chakra: Adrenals & Solar Plexus
  • 7

    Footnote Reference

    [Ahsian, pp. 229-230 ] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).