Labrodorite Stone of Magic
| Stimulates Imagination | Enhances Intuition | Encourages Unity | Provides Protection | Balances Metabolism | Amplifies Healing Thoughts | Increases Energy | Imparts Strength
Labrodorite can aid in uncovering unconscious and subconscious belief patterns that generate unpleasant emotional states. It can help one to become clearly aware of the source beliefs, self-talk and egoist influence on one's habitual emotional states.
Labrodorite can help reveal the nature of "mystery illnesses." It can show the patterns that have created disease and can amplify one's healing thoughts and prayers.
Labrodorite assists one in moving between realities and connecting with unseen realms. It enhances psychic abilities and increases one's capacity to visualize and perceive with the inner eye. Labrodorite is particularly useful for magical and ritual work and acts as psychic protection for those who travel and serve on other levels of reality.
Footnote Reference
[Ahsian, pp.
226 ] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).