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  • Dalmation Jasper

"I embrace with joy my life force, and adapt gracefully to life circumstances."

Dalmation Jasper

Stone of Childlike Joy

Dalmation Jasper

| Restores Joyfulness | Reduces Discouragement | Relieves Guilt | Inspires Playfulness | Grounds and Protects | Uplifts Mood | Soothes Anxiety | Removes Disillusionment


The Dalmatian Stone appeals to the child within us all, fortifying the spirit and encouraging a sense of playfulness. It is particularly beneficial for those who are overly analytical, returning some of the intellectual carefulness back into the physical joy of simply being. It has a grounding energy, supportive of family and loyalty, and has a calming influence for children and animals. Dalmation Stone helps you to let go of old thought patterns and old ways of looking at the world.


Dalmatian Stone stimulates the nerves and reflex actions, and is beneficial to the muscles, tendons and cartilage. It also helps prevent strains, sprains and muscle spasms. [Gienger, 33][Hall II, 113][Eason, 300] It is thought to boost the immune system and remove toxins, and to assist with bowel disorders, particularly IBS and constipation. It is also useful in the treatment of skin problems and allergic rashes. [Eason, 300] An excellent anti-smoking crystal, Dalmatian Stone strengthens the resolve to quit smoking and provides the determination needed to succeed. [Hall II, 112][Crystalwellbeing.co.uk] It purifies the blood and boosts the immune system. Dalmatian Stone is remarkably successful for calming, training and healing pets, especially dogs. It is the perfect crystal to assist in turning your love of dogs into a profession, such as breeder, trainer, or handler in any field, and for those who rescue injured or abandoned animals. It also assists in the ability to overcome an irrational fear of dogs. [Eason, 300]


Dalmatian Stone strengthens the spirit and provides a physicality to the soul. It reminds us we are spiritual beings on a human journey and to joyfully embrace our incarnation while we are here. [Hall II, 112] This stone helps to decrease any disillusionment you may be feeling, and helps you to let go of the things that are no longer of value to you. Dalmatian Stone encourages fidelity and emotional harmony, strengthening family bonds and long-term friendships. It encourages team effort and cooperation at work. [Eason, 300]


  • Sacral Chakra

    Sacral Chakra

    Well-being, Sexuality, Sensuality, Pleasure, Abundance (p. 51)
  • Root Chakra

    Root Chakra

    Patience, Structure, Stability, Security, The ability to manifest our dreams. (p.41)

  • Astrological Sign(s)

  • Virgo


    Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful

  • Numerical Vibration(s)

  • Number 4

    Number 4

    Practical and racticality, exactitude, organization, service, patience, application, devotion, conservatism, pragmatism, patriotism, dignity, trust, endurance, worthiness, economy, loyalty, mastery, production, solid foundations, hard work and hardworking, security-conscious, self-control, loyal, conscientious, high morals, traditional values, honesty, strong-willed, wisdom, imperturbable, determination, serious builder, progress, doer, manager, traditional, solid foundations, realistic values, stability, ability, justice, goal-orientated, system, order, management, responsibility, maintenance, constructive, determined, serious, discipline, dependability, conviction, passion and drive.

  • Planet

  • Earth


    Earth/Sun represent the end of meaning, the heart of it all. The two are one. The marriage is consummated, the child is born. The Earth is us as we are in our oneness. The Sun is the essence of what it all means. The planets inside the orbit of the Earth, Venus and Mercury, are very misunderstood in modern astrology. Both are beyond any physical depiction.

  • Element(s)

  • Earth


    The fourth element of the alchemical tradition. Earth is the essence of grounding and stability, the element of the nature of balance. Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Represented by: Dirt, sand, sage, Gnomes and goblins, a staff or stake, trees and plants. Season: Autumn Color: Red Chakra: Root
  • 6.5-7