Amazonite Stone of Truth
| Enhances Communication | Attracts Prosperity | Promotes Healing | Relieves Stress | Deflects Negativity | Inspires Self-Assurance | Calms and Balances | Allieviates Worry
Amazonite's higher truth and integrity. It encourages one to walk in right relationship and to speak and live one's truth for the highest good. It assists one in gaining self-knowledge and in defining one's core beliefs and values.
Amazonite assists in physical healing for many conditions. It is helpful in cell regeneration and healing after trauma or injury. It is an excellent stone to use for gout and arthritis. It is helpful in preventing hair loss and helping to repair brittle hair and nails. It can help to balance the thyroid and adrenals, especially when these glands are overtaxed by excessive stress or emotional repression.
On a spiritual level, Amazonite assists one in communicating higher truths and higher knowledge. It is the stone of truth, assisting one in perceiving the truth for oneself and in others, It assists in the development of discernment of energetic boundaries.
Footnote Reference
[Ahsian, pp.
23 ] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).