Howlite Stone of Attunement
| Absorbs Anger | Enhances Communication | Promotes Calmness | Sharpens Memory | Relieves Anxiety | Inspires Patience | Enhances Inner-Peace | Relieves Insomnia
Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage. Howlite brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates a calm communication of these issues. Howlite strengthens positive character traits, removing selfishness, rude behavior, and greed.
Physically, Howlite can help with the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth, and can balance the emotions. Howlite also assists in relaxing and releasing muscular tension. Howlite is a lovely stone to use when needing to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress.
Howlite is one of the attunement stones which link the user to higher spiritual consciousness. Howlite opens and prepares the mind to receive the energies and wisdom of attunements. Meditating with Howlite can help one to connect with the higher realms, allowing for greater communication of higher frequencies into the higher chakras, to be assimilated by the unconscious mind, which helps one to slowly remove the veils blocking truth.