"The energy of the Universe flows through me. I connect to this Divine flow of energy and allow it to bring healing, positivity and resources into my life."
Clear Quartz Stone of Clarity
| Enhances Memory | Amplification of one's Intention | Magnification of Ambient Energies | Clearing | Cleansing | Healing | Memory Enhancement
Clear Quartz is emotionally neutral, but it will amplify any emotion which it moves into resonance.
Clear Quartz stimulates the nervous system and the growth of fingernails and hair. It can assist in removing adhesions in the connective tissue.
Clear Quartz encourages clarity on all levels. It can be used to enhance the communications of guides and amplify psychic abilities. It acts to stimulate and open all chakras and energy pathways in the body, allowing for a more enlightened and expansive auric field.
Footnote Reference
[Ahsian, pp.
319 ] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).